Tuesday, October 07, 2008

The Whimsical Weather of Pabal (Wabal?)

There goes my sad attempt at alliteration.

Anyway, for the past few days, the weather in Pabal has followed an odd pattern. During the day there is bright sunlight with temperatures that border a hot summer day. But around 5PM, the clouds start to move in and the thunder begins to echo from miles away. A couple days ago, it rained so hard that our staff meeting had to be cancelled. And the weird thing about it (it's already weird that it's like that, so maybe the weirder thing about it) is that when you wake up in the morning, there is no indication that it rained that hard the night before, let alone at all. I still don't understand how this works. I'm under the impression that the government is controlling the weather patterns. Oh and the ironic part is that my room hasn't had any water for a couple days. Prior to the bizarre weather, I've had a relatively unlimited supply of water and it's been like summer up until these past few days. Meaning I would have assumed that water would have been scarce during those hot days instead of during a rainy patch. Right? Maybe my logic doesn't work out here.

traveling is rarely logical. just be an observer.

Wabal...ha. that made me laugh. :)
intriguing. when you say no water, do you mean literally _no_ water? and if so, what do you do during the water shortages? for water-necessitating activities i mean (like, for example, bathing).

chets, your blog is wonderful; you relay your emotion and challenges and excitement SO WELL! gotta say, i'm really looking forward to the next post :)
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