Sunday, November 30, 2008

The Shower Question

Last week, I was in Ahmedabad for an Indicorps workshop. It was nice seeing all the other Fellows after two months of being at our respective project sites. We each brought back with us the habits and customs of the villages we have been inhabiting. I noticed an interested trend during our morning rituals. In August, during orientation, everyone showered in the morning - it was a task that we had become so accustomed to back in America (or Canada or UK, for some). But now the litmus test for showering was qualified through questions such as "Did I sweat yesterday?" or "Was it cold outside?". This is, of course, coming from the guys side so I can't really say the girls were pulling the same stunts. Everything has become relative as well. We open up our collars and smell inside. I mean c'mon, we're surrounded by individuals who don't wear any deodorant and smell like they've doused themselves in their own BO.

Personally, I shower everyday assuming I get hot water. If hot water is not available, I still do a good job with the freezing cold water that comes out of the pipes.

What would you do?

Doused themselves in their own BO.

Wow. This is so ridiculously descriptive that I could smell that smell!!!!!!

It's nice to hear all about your adventures!
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