Saturday, January 24, 2009

My Re-Emergence

This past week, I felt as if I had re-emerged as part of Vigyan Ashram. I have been pretty social with all the students and staff, which has not usually been the case due to language and cultural barriers. But recently, things, for the most part, have been pretty enjoyable.

As part of my re-emergence, I was asked to give a talk about America (again). I gave a 40-slide presentation on America back in November, one that seemed to fill up all the seats (not that I’m bragging or anything). Even though I gave the presentation in English, and most do not understand English, I included many, many pictures to make it more understandable. And not to mention, I had a translator.

Nonetheless, I’ve come to realize most everyone did not give a hoot about it. So once again, I talked about America in a question-and-answer format to which my responses were received with shock and horror. Some examples of outrageous (and seemingly offensive) statements include:
After answering every question, the group would start rumbling and discussing their disbelief that such a culture existed on the other side of the world. Some laughed, some shook their heads, some didn’t understand (once again, even though a translator was present).

The funny thing is that most of those facts,
sans the educational related ones, are occurring in India's cities as well. It’s amazing to me that such a disconnect over cultures/traditions can occur within one country. But forget thinking on a country-wide scale - Pune (the nearest big city) is less than 50 miles away from here!

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